
Department Chair

Kathleen Maguire-Zeiss, PhD – Professor and Chair
Office: EP-04B
Phone number: 202.687.2791


Mark Burns, PhD – Professor & Vice-Chair
Office: EP-17C
Phone number: 202.687.4735

Lee Campbell, PhD – Assistant Professor
Office: EG-01
Phone number: 202.687.

Katherine Conant, MD – Professor
Office: EP-16A
Phone number: 202.687.2791

Rebekah Evans, PhD – Assistant Professor
Office: EG-31
Phone number: 202.687.0911

Xiong Jiang, PhD – Associate Professor
Office: EP-09B
Phone number: 202.687.8928

Lawrence Kromer, PhD – Professor Emeritus
Office: WP-14
Phone number: 202.687.1827

Bevan Main, PhD – Assistant Professor
Office: WP-08
Phone number: 202.784.5346

Italo Mocchetti, PhD – Professor
Office: WP-13
Phone number: 202.687.1197

Joan Orpella, PhD – Assistant Professor
Office: WP-09B
Phone number:

Josef P Rauschecker, PhD, DSc – Professor
Office: WP-19A
Phone number: 202.687.8842

G. William (Bill) Rebeck, PhD – Professor
Office: WP-15
Phone number: 202.687.1534

Maximilian (Max) Riesenhuber, PhD – Professor
Office: WP-12
Phone number: 202.687.9198

Ella Striem-Amit, PhD – Assistant Professor
Office: WP-09A
Phone number: 202.687.4687

Michael Ullman, PhD – Professor
Office: EP-07
Phone number: 202.687.6064

Jian-Young Wu, PhD – Professor
Office: BSB-207A
Phone number: 202.687.1614

Faculty with Secondary Appointment in Neuroscience

Partick Forcelli, PhD
Jagmeet Kanwal, PhD 
Raymond Scott Turner, PhD 
Stefano Vicini, PhD 

Adjunct Faculty

Valeria Avdoshina, MD/PhD
Joshua Corbin, PhD
Pam Diener, PhD
Norberto Grzywacz, PhD
Alumit Ishai, PhD
Lorenzo Leggio, MD
Nathan Neckel, PhD
Kareem Zagloul, PhD

Professor Emeritus

Nabil Azzam, PhD
Barbara Bayer, PhD
Barbara Bregman, PhD
Lawrence Kromer, PhD
Jean Wrathall, PhD