Events 2019-2020

Neuroscience Special Seminars | Neuroscience Seminar Series | Neurotopics
Neuroscience Special Seminars
The Department of Neuroscience holds special seminars outside of the regular seminar series. Please note the day, time & location below. Please join us and welcome each invited seminar speaker.
Neuroscience Seminar Series
The Department of Neuroscience and The Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience holds seminars to inform and update the medical community on current research. Seminars are held on designated Tuesdays in the Medical Dental Building Room NE 401 at 12:00 pm unless otherwise noted. Please join us and welcome each invited seminar speaker. Check back often for updates. Other neuroscience seminars sponsored through the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience can be found on the IPN Calendar.
October 1, 2019
Yu Mu, PhD
Research Scientist
Janelia Research Campus
Host: Jian-Young Wu, PhD
Title: “Astrocytes modulate behavioral states in zebrafish“
October 15, 2019
Nima Mesgarani, PhD
Associate Professor
Neurobiology & Behavior Program
Columbia University
Host: Josef Rauschecker, PhD
Title: “Mechanisms of robust speech recognition in the human auditory cortex”
November 12, 2019
Erika Holzbaur, PhD
Professor, Department of Physiology
Perelman School of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Host: Italo Mocchetti, PhD
Title: “Molecular motors in neurons: express shipping & local delivery”
December 17, 2019
Amy Lazek, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Center for Alcohol Research in Epigenetics
University of Illinois at Chicago
Host: Katherine Conant, PhD
January 28, 2020
Samuel McKenzie, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Buzsaki Lab
NYU Neuroscience Institute
New York University
Title: “Changes in lateral inhibition accompany hippocampal pattern separation”
February 4, 2020
Arun Asok, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Neuroscience
Kandel Laboratory
Columbia University
Title: “A novel ventral hippocampal circuit for gating earned and innate aversive experiences”
February 12, 2020
Jennifer Sun, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Laboratory of Visual Cortical Plasticity
University of California, San Francisco
Title: “Wire & Rewire: Neural basis of development and plasticity in the sensory cortices”
February 18, 2020
Rebekah Evans, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Title: “Inhibitory control of dopamine neurons”
February 25, 2020
Greg Hickok, PhD
Professor, Cognitive Sciences
School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Host: Max Riesenhuber, PhD
Title: “TBA”
February 26, 2020
Andre Bastos, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Title: “TBA”
March 17, 2020
Tony Wilson, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Neurological Sciences
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Host: Xiong Jiang, PhD
Title: “TBA”
March 31, 2020
Elizabeth Gould, PhD
Princeton Neuroscience Institute
Princeton University
Host: Kathy Conant, MD
Title: “TBA”
April 21, 2020
Host: NIP
Title: “TBA”
Neurotopics Seminar Series
The Neurotopics Seminar Series is a departmental gathering which aims to increase awareness of ongoing research in the department and to foster collaboration among the neuroscience community. Seminars are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month in the New Research Building Room WP07 at 2pm unless otherwise noted. Please join us and welcome each seminar speaker. Check back often for updates.
October 10, 2019
Alumit Ishai, PhD
Department of Neuroscience
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “Mapping the Aging Brain”
November 14, 2019
Patrick Forcelli, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “Seizures and their treatments: effects on the developing brain”
December 12, 2019
Tom Coate, PhD
Department of Biology
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “Prelude to auditory transduction: cellular and molecular mechanisms of cochlear innervation”
January 9, 2020
Elissa Newport, PhD
Department of Neurology
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “Developmental plasticity after pediatric stroke”
March 12, 2020
Nataliia Shults, PhD
Department of Pharmacology
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “TBA”
April 9, 2020
Ella Striem-Amit, PhD
Department of Neuroscience
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “TBA”
May 14, 2020
Peter Turkeltaub, PhD
Department of Neurology
Georgetown University Medical Center
Title: “TBA”
Thank you for your participation and support for these seminars.
Check our department calendar for a schedule of additional upcoming events: